
男同 打屁股 癌症患者千万别吃花生:花生中的凝集素会加速癌症扩散(英译汉)

发布日期:2024-12-04 05:30    点击次数:158

男同 打屁股 癌症患者千万别吃花生:花生中的凝集素会加速癌症扩散(英译汉)

波多野结衣 肛交 译者按:据英国利物浦大学接头发现,花生中的花生凝集素可能会使癌症在体内更容易扩散,因此暴虐还是患有癌症的东谈主不要吃花生。天然我翻译的著作许多与阵势关联,不外我的主业是与谈话和医疗健康关联。 以下著作来自健康刊物《学问桥》(Knowridge)11月29日的报谈。 

图片男同 打屁股

 Peanuts are a popular snack enjoyed by many people around the world. They are delicious, crunchy, and often considered a healthy option because of their high protein and nutrient content.花生可口可口、香脆,其卵白质和养分因素含量高,平方被合计是一种健康的食物,是天下各地许多东谈主嗜好的零食。 However, recent research has highlighted something important for people with cancer to consider when it comes to eating peanuts.不外,最近的接头揭示,癌症患者在吃花生时需要琢磨一些紧迫因素。 A study conducted by scientists at the University of Liverpool looked at a specific protein found in peanuts called Peanut agglutinin (PNA). This protein enters the bloodstream after peanuts are eaten. The research team found that PNA might play a role in making it easier for cancer to spread in the body.利物浦大学(University of Liverpool)的科学家进行的一项接头拜访了花生中的一种零碎卵白质——花生凝集素(简称PNA)。这种卵白质会在食用花生后参预血液。接头小组发现,PNA可能会使癌症更容易在体内扩散。 Here’s how it works. PNA affects the way blood vessels behave by triggering the release of chemicals called cytokines. Two of these cytokines, named IL-6 and MCP-1, can make the lining of blood vessels more receptive to cancer cells. This means that cancer cells can attach to blood vessels more easily, making it simpler for them to travel to other parts of the body—a process known as metastasis.其作用旨趣如下。PNA通过触发开释称为细胞因子的化学物资影响血管的活动方法。其中两种名为IL-6和MCP-1的细胞因子能使血管内壁更容易剿袭癌细胞。这意味着癌细胞更容易附着在血管上,痴迷系列从而更容易转动到躯壳的其他部位——这一进程被称为(癌症)转动。 In earlier studies, the same research team discovered that PNA can stick to certain sugar molecules that are commonly found on the surface of cancer and pre-cancer cells. This connection acts like a glue, making cancer cells stick together in clusters. These clusters are more likely to survive as they move through the bloodstream, increasing the chances of the cancer spreading to new areas.在早些技巧的接头中,团结个接头小组发现,PNA不错粘附在癌细胞和癌前细胞名义常见的某些糖分子上。这种邻接就像胶水同样,使癌细胞汇注在一齐。这些细胞簇在血液中迁徙时更有可能存活下来,从而加多癌症扩散到新部位的契机。 It’s important to note that this research does not mean peanuts are harmful to everyone. For most people, peanuts remain a healthy snack. However, the findings suggest that people who are already dealing with cancer might want to be cautious about eating peanuts regularly.值得醒见解是,这项接头并不虞味开花生对每个东谈主齐无益。关于大巨额东谈主来说,花生仍然是一种健康的零食。不外,接头闭幕标明,还是患有癌症的东谈主可能要严慎对待通常吃花生的问题。 For cancer patients, even small factors that may encourage cancer to spread are worth paying attention to.关于癌症患者来说,即使是可能促使癌症扩散的小因素也值得醒目。 The lead researcher, Dr. Lu-Gang Yu, emphasized that this study is just the beginning. More research is needed to fully understand the link between peanuts and cancer spread. The team is calling for further studies to explore these findings in more depth.首席接头员于卢纲(Lu-Gang Yu,音译)博士强调,这项接头只是是个驱动。要全面了解花生与癌症扩散之间的商酌,还需要更多的接头。接头小组敕令开展进一步接头,更深刻地探讨这些发现。 For now, if you or someone you know is undergoing cancer treatment, it might be a good idea to limit peanut consumption until more is understood about the risks. It’s a small change that could potentially make a difference.当今,若是您或您刚毅的东谈主正在剿袭癌症调理,在对风险有更多了解之前,放弃食用花生可能是个好主意。虽只是一个小小的窜改,却有可能带来不同的遵守。 本站仅提供存储工作,通盘本色均由用户发布,如发现存害或侵权本色,请点击举报。

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